The World Apostolate of Fatima, with its headquarters close to the Shrine of Fatima, organizes and helps with logistics of pilgrimages to Fatima. We offer a special program, completely adjustable to the needs and particular interests of each group, giving the opportunity for learning and deepening the Message of Our Lady entrusted to the three little Shepherds, in a unique and unforgettable manner.  



  • Assistance and transportation from the airport to the hotel and back
  • Hotel reservation in Fatima
  • Bus transfers and guided visits, according to the established program
  • Scheduling of liturgical celebrations at the Shrine of Fatima for the group
  • Meeting with Relatives of the Little Shepherds of Fatima to hear their stories
  • A talk presentation about the World Apostolate of Fatima
  • A Movie on the Message of Fatima and visit to the Byzantine Chapel of Domus Pacis
  • Booking visits to exhibitions / museums / monuments in Fatima and around
  • Use of the Chapels and Auditorium of Domus Pacis hotel for groups Offer the “Pilgrim of Fatima” package (includes book, map, etc.) - optional

Find here a sample of one of our pilgrimage program’s suggestion (6 days/5 nights) completely adjustable to include the particular needs of the group.

If you are interested in organizing / promoting a pilgrimage to Fatima, Portugal, with the help of the International Secretariat of the World Apostolate of Fatima, please fill in the form indicated below. Thank you very much for your interest.
Questions marked with * are mandatory

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