Le 13 juin au Vatican, la Rencontre annuelle avec les modérateurs des associations internationales de fidèles, des mouvements ecclésiaux et des communautés nouvelles, organisée par le Dicastère pour les Laïcs, la Famille et la Vie, dans la nouvelle salle du Synode au Vatican. L'Apostolat Mondial de Fatima, association internationale de fidèles, sera également présent avec deux délégués.
Le thème de la Rencontre sera « Le défi de la synodalité pour la mission ». L’Église, à travers le Synode sur la synodalité, vit une période prolongée de consultation, de réflexion et de dialogue afin de concrétiser pleinement la dimension synodale, qui s’inscrit dans sa nature de mystère de communion, à l’image de la communion trinitaire.
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O desafio da sinodalidade para a missão
No dia 13 de junho, no Vaticano, ocorrerá o Encontro Anual dos Moderadores de associações de fiéis, movimentos eclesiais e novas comunidades, promovido pelo Dicasterio para os Leigos, a Família e a Vida, na Aula Nova do Sínodo, no Vaticano. O Apostolado Mundial de Fatima, associação internacional de fiéis participará con dois delegados.
O tema do Encontro será “O desafio da sinodalidade para a missão”. Através do Sínodo sobre a Sinodalidade, a Igreja tem vivido um tempo de consulta, reflexão e diálogo para implementar plenamente a sua dimensão sinodal, que faz parte da sua natureza de mistério de comunhão, à imagem da comunhão trinitária.
O Encontro deste ano com os Moderadores de
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The Challenge of Synodality for the Mission
On June 13, 2024, the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life will hold its annual meeting with the Moderators of associations of the faithful, ecclesial movements and new communities in the New Hall of the Synod in the Vatican. The World Apostolate of Fatima, an international association of the faithful, will also be present with two delegates.
The theme of the Meeting will be ‘The Challenge of Synodality for Mission’. The Church, through the Synod on Synodality, is experiencing a prolonged time of consultation, reflection and dialogue to fully implement the synodal dimension, which is part of its nature as a mystery of communion, in the image of Trinitarian communion.
This year's Meeting with the Moderators of international
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Month of February
The month of February is full of significant dates to enhance our prayer life and charity. Our Lady insistently asked the little shepherds to pray the Rosary every day, offering their prayer for the peace in the world. The invitation is as urgent today as it was at the time of the apparitions, in 1917.
On February 13, we celebrate the 19th anniversary of the death of Venerable Sister Lucia de Jesus. She was an example of obedience and fidelity to God and to Our Lady. We pray for her beatification. Offer the daily Rosary and Mass for this intention.
February 14marks the beginning of Lent, a special season offered to us by the Church, to bring about personal conversion, through prayer, fasting and almsgiving,
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Annual Meeting of the Dicastery in Rome
On June 22, 2023, the World Apostolate of Fatima attended the annual meeting of moderators of international associations, ecclesial movements, new communities, and other entities, promoted by the Dicastery for the Laity, the Family and Life, in Rome. The theme was: On mission with Peter: Apostolicity, the heart of the movements’ identity.
Prof. Michael Ogunu, the International President of the World Apostolate of Fatima and Mr. Nuno Prazeres, the Director of the International Secretariat participated in the annual meeting of the Vatican’s Dicastery, with some other 150 people from 85 movements, from all continents.
The meeting recalled the 25th anniversary of the first International Congress of Ecclesial Movements and New
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