The World Apostolate of Fatima supports the worldwide campaign to collect donations for the renovation works of the sanctuary of the Apparitions, in Pontevedra, Spain. 

Santuario PontevedraThe shrine of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, known as the Shrine of the Apparitions, in Pontevedra, Spain, is a place closely associated with the history and message of Fatima. It was there, in that former convent of the Dorothean Sisters, that Lucia de Jesus, the eldest of the Fatima seers, received the visit of Our Lady and the Child Jesus, in her cell - now transformed into a chapel - on December 10, 1925.

porta abertaOur Lady asked her the devotion of the First Saturdays, in reparation to Her Immaculate Heart. Over the years, the old sanctuary building has been deteriorating and it is now urgent to carry out its proper rehabilitation in order to preserve the sacred place of the apparition and its spirituality.

The Bishop’s Conference of Spain is responsible for coordinating and supervising these efforts. The costs are very high! The donations collected by the Secretariat of the World Apostolate of Fatima will be handed over to the Bishop’s Conference by the end of this year. We count on your generous contribution!

Donations can be sent by bank transfer to:

Assoc. Apostolado Mundial de Fátima - SI
Bank EuroBIC – Fátima
IBAN: PT 50 0079 0000 2658 9082 1016 5
Reference: “Donation Pontevedra”

The goal is that, in year 2025, when the Centennial of the Apparition of Pontevedra occurs, the Shrine of the Immaculate Heart of Mary will have the necessary and dignified facilities to welcome all pilgrims who visit it. Let us therefore be generous! And let us remember Our Lady’s promise at Fatima: “In the end My Immaculate Heart will triumph”.

ing Pontevedra Logo Centennial

In a video produced by the Shrine of Fatima for the series "Faces of Fatima", Nuno Prazeres, the director of the International Secretariat of the World Apostolate of Fatima, speaks about the importance of the travels of the Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of Fatima around the world. 

As the guest of another video of the series "Faces of Fatima", which, every month, presents the faces that integrate the new temporary exhibition of the Shrine of Fatima, Nuno Prazeres presents, in this episode, the Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of Fatima as the "face of a missionary Church".

“Today, just as yesterday, Mary continues to travel in haste to where she is called. She becomes a pilgrim travelling the roads of the world, bringing consolation and hope to the hearts of a humanity so often wounded and distressed, a humanity which seeks peace. But she never imposes herself! Each visit to any country or place is the result of an invitation, of a pastoral desire often matured over months or even years”, he says, deducing a "recognition of the importance of the message of Fatima" in the "numerous requests of the Pilgrim Statue".

From the painted wooden World Map, from 1956, on display at the exhibition, which describes the first travels of the Pilgrim Statue, Nuno Prazeres revisits some of the most symbolic pilgrimages that the Pilgrim Statue has fulfilled, over almost 75 years.

“During the first nine years of her pilgrimages, as we can see on this World Map, the Statue travelled more than half a million kilometres and was welcomed by more than 300 million people. In Europe, during this period, Our Lady travelled as a Symbol of Peace, inspiring unity and solidarity amongst nations in the aftermath of a world war which had caused divisions and destroyed so much” he recalls.

The video also evokes the famous 'Peace flights’ that carried the the second Pilgrim Statue to visit many countries, on various continents, under the World Apostolate of Fatima, a movement founded in the United States of America by Monsignor Harold Colgan and John Haffert, faces that are also present in the temporary exhibition of the Shrine of Fatima.

The exhibition "The Faces of Fatima - Images of a Spiritual Setting" is open until October 15, 2022, at the Convivium of St. Augustine, in the lower floor of the Basilica of the Holy Trinity, and can be visited, free of charge, every day from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm and from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm. (